
Testosterone enanthate purity test

Price: USD$ 85.00
106.25 CAD 72.25 EUR 61.20 GBP
Testosterone enanthate purity test
Product ID testosterone_enanthate_purity
  ISBN A007
Date Added
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This is purity test; it gives you more information about the sample, the concentration. You will get information how much mg/ml the sample contains. It is not based on color interpretation but it is based on quantitative analysis. There are two parts of the test; it comes with our regular presence test, which is included for free and sample holder for purity test. Why the presence test, because it saves you the more expensive purity test, if there is no hormone inside. You still need the 365 nm UV light with the presence test. The UV light is not included for free; you need to buy it separate. There is no UV light required for the purity test.

The presence test is very simple to use, click here to see the instruction. The purity test is even simpler to use you get instructions for both tests once you receive the package. The purity test works on different principles than the presence test and it provides accurate results.

The test reagent is corrosive. Use gloves and glasses. The origin is synthetic; there is no health and no biological hazard. The test kits are safe to ship worldwide, customs will not stop it. The test does not contain any restricted or controlled chemicals/substances.

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