The most cost-effective method is to begin with our presence tests. If you require additional information, such as the concentration of the active ingredient, you can utilize our quantitative (purity) tests. The quantitative test offers the same level of accuracy you would expect from a laboratory.

However, using the quantitative test without first conducting a prescreening is not advisable, as it may lead to wasted resources if the sample contains no active ingredient. This is why we provide one presence test free of charge.

Combining our affordable presence tests with the quantitative test is the best approach if you need to conduct multiple tests. By purchasing our power pack, which includes 40 test vials, you will pay less than $5 per test vial. Many users have had unrealistic expectations from a $5 test. While it will not generate a detailed report, it does indicate the presence of a substance. The presence test works as outlined in the instructions: different steroids will exhibit varying fluorescence under UV light, confirming that the sample contains a hormone. If you seek precise identification and concentration results, we do offer that service as well, but it cannot be provided for $5; the price will be higher.

Both tests are user-friendly. The presence test relies on color readings, with the test reagent reacting with the hormone to produce fluorescence under UV light. Lack of fluorescence signifies a fake product with no hormone present. Different colors will help you distinguish which hormone is present. The quantitative test is also straightforward to use, although it is more costly to produce. This test operates on different principles and does not involve color readings. It will identify the hormone and determine the concentration of the active ingredient, providing you with exact measurements in mg/ml, mg per pill, or percentage for raw materials.

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