Liquid turinabol, tbol test. The best steroids test kit on the market

This test will demonstrate how to detect the presence of liquid turinabol. Only a small amount of test liquid is needed—just a drop equal to or smaller than the amount of test reagent. The results will be visible immediately: the initial color in vial A will be brownish-green, while the color in vial B will be salmon pink. Over time, both colors will gradually change to light and dark orange.

The type of oil used as a carrier does not affect whether the sample will produce fluorescence if the hormone is present. However, the intensity of the fluorescence may vary depending on the oil, as different oils absorb and reflect light in different ways..

The vial to the right is anavar regural test vial which can be used to further verify the test results.

Initial color in A brown green, in B salomon pink.

later getting brown in vial A and B.

Tbol under 365 nm UV light, notice that it is similar to pill form but give more oily appearance.

Vial B under UV light.

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