Anavar / Winstrol UV test (Ampoules with transparent test reagent). The best steroids test kit on the market.
Each vial contains 0.1 ml of test reagent, which is exactly what you see in the picture. If there are droplets on the sides of the vial, shake it gently to collect them at the bottom. Adding more reagent will not improve the test results. In fact, if the vial is overfilled, it will be impossible to conduct the test properly.
For this test, you will need 365 nm UV light to observe fluorescence. Note the difference between this test and the regular test: the regular test uses a yellow reagent, while the UV test uses a clear, white, transparent reagent. Unlike the regular test, it is not critical to use an exact amount of powder or ground pill for the UV test. The regular test requires a precise 1 mg dose to properly read the results. For the UV test, do not add more than the amount of test reagent in the vial. Just a small amount of powder or ground pill is sufficient. You have only 0.1 ml of test reagent, the same amount shown in the video and pictures. The reagent is corrosive, and 0.1 ml is more than enough for the test. The UV test also allows you to test liquid forms, which is not possible with the regular test. Additionally, raw powder can be tested, which is difficult with the regular test since it requires exactly 1 mg of pure powder. Larger pills can also be tested by cutting a small piece with a razor blade and adding it to the vial. Just make sure not to add too much, as the filler (usually corn starch) can absorb the entire test reagent, making it hard to spot the fluorescence. If the pill contains protein powder or vitamins as fillers, these ingredients will not interfere with the results, unlike in the regular test. The only substances that can interfere are other steroids or certain organic compounds added to your sample. Pharmaceutical pills typically use neutral fillers like corn starch, which work perfectly with this test. Pharmaceutical companies avoid adding vitamins, proteins, or other organic substances to pills, as they could interfere with the medication. Similarly, pill dyes do not affect the test results, as the dye is simply dissolved by the test reagent. The fluorescence you observe can vary in intensity, but this does not affect the test's reliability. Whether you see a faint or bright green fluorescence, the presence of green fluorescence indicates the presence of Anavar. A similar blue fluorescence suggests the presence of Winstrol. If you see an orange or other bright color instead of the expected green fluorescence, it may be because you're using light that is not 365 nm UV, such as blue light. With proper 365 nm UV light, Anavar will always produce a green fluorescence. The color coding is straightforward. The fluorescence should appear immediately, but it’s a good idea to wait a little longer in a dark room for the fluorescence to develop fully. Keep in mind that the intensity of the fluorescence depends on the concentration of the substance. For example, 100% pure Anavar powder will produce a strong green fluorescence, while a 10 mg Anavar pill may produce only a faint light green or yellow fluorescence.Anavar - no initial color change and green fluorescence.
Winstrol - yellow initial color and blue fluorescence.
Dianabol - right away dark yellow - light brown / red initial color, yellow – brown under UV light.
Turinabol - similar to dianabol but a little brigher brown.
Anadrol - yellow initial color and green/orange fluorescence
developing into dark blue.
If you drop high concentrated raw powder anavar or winstrol, the initial color will change to red/dark red. But it is what you see under UV light only matters, the fluorescence, not the initial color change.
Anavar there no initial color change, getting slowly yellow and red later. Take a look first at the vial under UV there is a little blue reflection from glass, the test reagent itself is not fluorescent. Then start watching under UV light (make sure it is 365 nm) you will see solid green fluorescence. It will be light green, if you drop powder the high concentration will show as dark green under UV. You will still see some blue reflection from the glass so watch carefully; try to point the UV light at the test reagent from different angles to see it better. Note if you drop pure powder the initial color will be almost immediately dark red - brown because of the high concentration but nice solid green fluorescence. Unless you drop really tiny bit of powder then it will behave like 1/4 of 10 mg pill.
Winstrol a little initial color change getting red and light brown later. The blue florescence should develop right away. But give some time and it will develop into blue and last a while.
Dianabol, the initial color dark yellow - light brown / red initial color and under UV light you will see it yellow – brown / red.
- Anadrol, first of all it is very unlikely to see anavar replaced by anadrol; it will be winstrol or dianabol. But you will see the difference right away; the initial color will be light yellow, getting red after a few minutes, while there is a little initial color change for anavar at the same time. The fluorescence will be green - orange changing slowly into dark blue, while fluorescence of anavar is still nice solid bright green. Catch the difference because fluorescence of winstrol is blue right away and it is nice solid bright blue.
Anavar pill just after adding to the test tube, no initial color change note if you drop more you will start seeing some intial color change. But the UV light will determine if you have anavar not the initial color change. Notice the red initial color for dianabol and darker for turinabol.
Notice the faint green ring on the top of the yellow; it is fluorescence coming from 10 mg pill. Very little anavar gives very faint green fluorescence.
anavar (pill) a little to no initial color change and under 365 nm UV light - green
Anavar raw powder, high concentration very dark sharp green fluorescence. If you drop more and higher concentration like raw powder the initial color will be almost instantly red, the more you drop the darker it getts. But it is not indication of anavar presence yet until you do the UV test.
Winstrol raw powder, strong concetration and very dark blue fluorescence.
winstrol a little to no initial color change and under 365 nm UV light - blue
On the left anavar with green fluorescence, on the right winstrol with blue fluorescence.
dianabol dark yellow - light brown / red initial color and under 365 nm UV light no fluorescence
Turinabol light brown initial color change and under 365 nm UV light, dark yellow